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InstallationPensacola, FL


Unmonitored Hauler Access

Multiple Hauler Checkpoints

Equipment Integration

The Portalogic Solution

Portalogic septage receiving controller in Pensacola, FL

EleMech partnered with the Emerald Coast Utilities Authority (ECUA) in 2013 to design a custom waste receiving system. The site has since commissioned an additional three stations (for a total of five stations) to integrage with other septage receiving equipment and allow unmonitored access and automated data collection for haulers as they move throughout the site's checkpoints.

Automated scale measures Portalogic hauler's truck weight and volume

Haulers enter the site via RFID and must bypass an automated gate and scale which measures the weight and volume of their truck's load.

Hauler pulling up to Portalogic Septage Receiving Station in Pensacola, FL

Trucks can enter and leave the site unmonitored. Portalogic allows for fast and reliable unloading while managing septage recieving record keeping.