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InstallationPort Charlotte, FL



Year Old Equipment
in Need of Retrofit

Unique Waste Stations

Client PC Locations

The Portalogic Solution

Portalogic septage receiving station and control panel at Port Charlotte, Florida

This 10+ year old large-volume septage receiving facility was retrofitted with two new stainless steel hauler stations and Portalogic management software. Due to Portalogic's integrated security features, only authorized haulers can access the system. To login, a hauler enters a Truck ID and PIN that are assigned during the Portalogic setup process.

Portalogic stations integrate with existing equipment

The septage receiving system is configured to accept septage only at the first station, and septage and grease at the second. Equipment operation and the valve adjust automatically to accept the type of waste entered by the hauler during the login process.

Septage receiving station use and payment is made simple with Portalogic

The server PC, located in the main office, communicates with both stations via ethernet. At the facility's request, Portalogic management software was installed on three of their administration PCs, and on one additional PC located in their remote billing department. No additional charge is required for multiple installations of the software!

The system is configured to accept customer credit, though a debit based option is available should a customer not maintain their credit balance.